Rich Mahogany Band

About Us

Band MemberS



Greg Rabin

Vocals & Percussion

Our fearless leader, Greg brings all of his heart and soul to the band. A founding member, Greg puts 110% effort into every show to ensure that everyone is having the time of their life.


Peter Kletchka

Vocals & Guitar

Another founding member, Pete blends a large array of influences into his own unique musical style. Pete shares the vocal duties with Greg and the two voices together create perfect harmony.


Mike Dickson

Drums & Vocals

The third founding member of the band and cornerstone of the rhythm section. Mike brings years of experience as a rock drummer in original bands and adds a hard rocking edge to every song we play.


George McRedmond

Bass & Vocals

A twelve-year Mahog veteran, George grew up musically in the regional punk rock scene. This energy, along with a precise playing style adds the additional drive to the Rich Mahogany rhythm section.


Rich Krabak

Keyboards & Vocals

‘The Professor’ brings decades of experience to the mix as a seasoned and accomplished musician in his own right before lending his talents to the band. His infectious smile and attitude is a big part of every show.


Tim O'Connor

Guitar & Vocals

A mainstay of Long Island music for many years and a local legend to many. Tim is the most recent member to join the band. Tim quickly added the perfect final piece to the complicated puzzle that is Rich Mahogany.